Luxury Apartments for Rent in Frisco

Discover unparalleled luxury living at The Links on PGA Parkway, where we offer a wide variety of unique 1, 2, & 3-bedroom apartments for rent in Frisco, TX. Each apartment home is crafted to perfection, boasting high ceilings starting at 9 ft, spacious closets, and gourmet kitchens fitted with stainless steel appliances alongside granite or quartz countertops.

Delight in the full array of amenities that set our Frisco, TX apartments apart. Our apartments include a rooftop deck with a resort-inspired pool and outdoor lounge, a state-of-the-art golf simulator room paired with a cozy lounge, a dog wash station for your furry friends, and much more. Live a life of of leisure and comfort at The Links.

Ready to make the move? Contact us to schedule a tour and find your perfect home at The Links On PGA Parkway today.

Floorplans are artist’s rendering. All dimensions are approximate. Actual product and specifications may vary in dimension or detail. Not all features are available in every apartment. Prices and availability are subject to change. Please see a representative for details.